Mixology Peru - Con el respaldo de la Asociacion Peruana de Bartenders

Mixology Peru - Con el respaldo de la Asociacion Peruana de Bartenders
Cocktail Evolution - Creador: Jefferson Culquicondor

martes, 5 de enero de 2010

Christian Perez: Decanter

Christian Perez: Decanter


There are many theories about the history of saber ring. Most come from the middle of the 1800s. One story has it that Napoleon, after a successful battle with his officers always celebrated with champagne, and as a gesture of victory, took off the neck of the bottle of wine with their swords.

A little history of my knowledge i sabrera a bottle of Champagne. By Christian Perez

Another story says that Mrs. mythical Clicquor, maintained the soldiers of Napoleon with champagne in exchange for land that would protect her. When the soldiers marched sabreran the bottles back to their horses. A story that seems less credible when it should have been a difficult one bottle without cutting themselves. Who knows?

Sable is used as a fine art and a wonderful show for guests, but that is not sabrera powerful force, is precision and knowledge. You can see the section on the bottle if you've beaten very hard. Amid the moderate force to be completely straight. In a few bottles of ease if we had the blade in the neck or a cut in it. Important is that you always have to pull out aluminum foil over the cork, otherwise the fragments sabreraren can fly. One suggestion is to turn over the slot where they are assembled the two halves of the cylinder. The glass is said to be weaker there.

Now I will write how sabrera a bottle of Champagne.

Hold the bottle in one hand at an angle of 45 degrees and the sword in the other hand, with the back of previous page. Add a sheet against the bottle. Normally we use the back of the blade because it was tradition started, but it does not matter.
For the sheet down and decided (can not doubt) over the bottle and when it reaches the edge of the neck will break the glass and the cork to fly with the top of the bottleneck. Since no pressure in the bottle, the risk of bringing down the wine glass is almost nonexistent.
Faced with the choice of wine, remember: sparkling wines are not produced according to the traditional champagne method is often weak and can break glass when they sabrerar. Best work is always true of champagne or sparkling quality. My personal opinion is that it has to sabrera a real bottle of champagne.

It is important to be careful with security. When one sabrerar, the accident may occur.

Recommends that the principle sabreraren always use a linen napkin or a glove on the hand holding the bottle, if the glass breaks. If the glass cracks, be sure not to try to grab the pieces, but to relax in his hand. important.
Follow the sheet of cork.

Make sure your audience is behind you, the cork fly and can affect anyone.

From Sweden this information only to Amo Los Bares / Tu Bar in South America. And the whole world.

2010 the year of Cheers, Good Cocktail´s , Excellent Food & Wine.
Master Mixologist Christian Perez of Sweden

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